The solution that enables the designers to target low-to-mid density FPGAs and CPLDs.
The MAX+PLUS II BASELINE software includes support for selected FLEX, ACEX and MAX devices.
If your designs include VHDL or Verilog HDL you can use third party synthesis software from Synplicity, Mentor Graphics, or Synopsys or you can download the MAX+PLUS II Advanced Synthesis software to use with MAX+PLUS II BASELINE software.
You can also upgrade to the Quartus II Web Edition software that now includes integrated VHDL and Verilog HDL synthesis, delivers the fastest push-button performance for supported FPGA & CPLD device families, and supports selected devices from Altera's latest device families.
Smart, powerful and comprehensive solution that enables the designers to target low- to mid-density FPGAs and CPLDs.
To beat or not to beat – that is the question.